T-Shirt Selection & Ordering
Please select one: ($20 for each new shirt)
Already have a shirt
Need new shirt(s) or size(s)
New student, need shirt
Need T-Shirts? Enter Size(s) Here:
Singer #1 Age
Singer #2 Age
Singer #3 Age
Singer #4 Age
Payment Method
We are no longer accepting electronic payments. We will have a registration table at our December 9 concert where you can deliver payment, or you can mail your payment to the address listed below.
Cash (Mail to 2830 Bolton Rd. Columbia 38401)
Personal Check (Mail to 2830 Bolton Rd. Columbia 38401)
PLEASE NOTE: In the event I need to cancel my child's registration after December 18, 2024 I will not be refunded
I understand & agree
How did you hear about our program?
Other (Please let us know in the box below)
How did you hear about us?
Parent/Legal Guardian's Name
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Mobile Phone
In case of emergency, please contact:
Emergency Contact's Relationship to Child:
Phone Number for Emergency Contact
Statement of Consent
In the event of an emergency or non-emergency situation requiring medical treatment, I hereby grant permission for any and all medical and/or dental attention to be administered to my child/children, in the event of an accidental injury or illness, until such time as I can be contacted. This permission includes, but is not limited to, the administration of first aid, the use of an ambulance, and the administration of anesthesia and/or surgery, under the recommendation of qualified medical personnel. *
I agree (**Signature will be required at first rehearsal**)
Hold Harmless Statement
As a part of the agreement for the choir members to use church facilities at Parkview Baptist, each member is asked to read and sign the following Hold Harmless Statement in order for the family to participate in any choir activities.
Each member covenants to the following:
1. As a parent, I assume all responsibility for any accident or injury, or any other loss resulting from participation in Choir activities and use of church grounds and other church facilities. I will hold-harmless the Choir leadership, their families, and Parkview Baptist.
2. I agree that if an injury occurs while participating in the Choir activities I will not, under any circumstance, submit a claim against Parkview Baptist, the Choir leaders, or any insurer of either organization, but rather use my own private insurance coverage, and accept personal responsibility for all such injury or other loss expenses.
3. I have either: 1) Inspected the facility and have informed Parkview Baptist and the Choir leadership of any safety concerns or; 2) Accept the facility “as is” and assume all responsibility for accident and/or injury for myself and/or any of my family members. I realize I am under no obligation to use the facility.
Each parent understands that they, and their children, are participating in the Choir activities at Parkview Baptist at their own risk. The parent may request access to the facility for inspection from the directors or Facilities Coordinator.
I agree to this hold harmless statement. (** A signature will be required at the first rehearsal.)*
Please pay by cash or personal check
You got it!
Thank you! This message is to confirm we’ve received your registration. You’ll not be emailed a confirmation. **PLEASE NOTE , your registration will NOT be complete until we have received your tuition payment . You can choose to send payment via cash or personal check to 2830 Bolton Rd, Columbia TN 38401. Please contact Sarah Latch at 931-626-0648 with any additional questions.